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Because Therapy and Counselling are a confidential service the identity of clients who have given feedback is appropriately non- disclosed. However, FYI doctors, business coaches, couples , those in the helping professions, successful business owners, families and well known personalities are among those who have used and benefited from Integrative Therapy and services given through The Changing Room. 


Comments from clients: 


“Thank you Deborah for all your support. You are an angel!” 


“We can’t thank you enough. Without your help we wouldn’t be together now.” 


“Thank you so much. It all came together in such a remarkable way".


"I wanted to thank you for the years of support you provided me… Your insight and your gentle, kind approach helped me navigate some quite stormy times. I am quite clear that my relationship  would not have survived without your guiding presence. You can certainly take some significant credit for our relationship ending in marriage. You helped me get there. A million thanks". 



" Deborah helped me through grief, childhood trauma and a huge transition in my life. As a medical doctor, I used Deborah to help me debrief around work challenges too. Her integrative and holistic approach worked really well for me. She understood the mind-body-spirit connection really well. I can honestly say I emerged a more self- aware individual with my personal growth taking me more towards who I truly am"



“Everything I needed to make sense of became crystal clear and I saw a way through what I never thought I would actually get through at that time…” 


“There is no doubt in our minds that your help and guidance has saved our marriage and kept us together as a family. We have gone from being ‘on the rocks’ to being rock solid in our commitment to making our relationship work. This has been a truly worthwhile experience for us both.” 


“Not only are we now communicating and trusting each other again we are also really enjoying each others company again and our children are enjoying us more also!” 


“I know that your guidance has helped me to get to where I am today. The difference I feel inside myself now is amazing!” 


“Not only have you helped us Deborah to find more synergy in our business and harmony in our relationship but those who we have sent to see you , clients, family and friends alike, have also said in differing ways how much they have benefited from your services. What more can we say other than thank you, thank you, thank you!” 


“Being somewhat sceptical , I endeavoured as a physician to experience your services as an Integrative Therapist. I told myself this was in order to understand your integrative approach towards healing. I now can conclude that it has been an effective and powerful tool in seeking to understand and feel the benefits of a more holistic perspective in treating illness, beginning with my own. There may be hope for me yet…" 







"When you let go of what you are,

you become what you might be".


- Lao Tzu

Do not dwell in the past

or think too much of the future. Instead, concentrate the mind

on the present moment.




It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.


Eckhart Tolle


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